Mother’s day is fast approaching and if you are a mother and anything like me you will appreciate the ‘special days’ of the year. In an ideal world, one day out of the year should not be the only day that people do something nice for the ones they love. Appreciation should be shown every day by both parties but we all know that this doesn’t happen. Life gets in the way and we become bogged down with the everyday working and stresses of life.
Mother’s Day, while flowers and chocolates are nice (usually last minute in this house) I don’t think I am alone in thinking I long for the other half to put a little bit more thought into it. Does that sound bad? I don’t care, a little bit of thought goes a very long way and it could make all the difference in how we women feel for the next week, month or even year! Imagine the brownie points you could earn by just giving a little bit more thought to Mother’s Day!
Our Mummy and Me sessions are great if you want to give the woman in your life a gift that will make her feel a little bit special. All too often I hear the same thing when parents come to me for portrait sessions. They don’t have any photographs of themselves with their little ones. I don’t have any decent photographs of myself with my boys yet I know I would love one. I am always the one taking the photos and never in front of the camera always behind it.
Back to our Mummy and me sessions. If you would like to think out of the box and put a little bit of thought into Mothers day this year why not book the mother in your life a Mummy and me session. Whether it’s your mother or the mother of your children it is a gift that definitely will be appreciated and always treasured.
Please do get in touch if you want to make the Mum’s in your life feel a bit special this Mother’s Day.