A few weeks ago some of you may remember me posting an image of my own son Eli on the facebook page. I haven’t been able to get a good picture of Eli since he turned one, it’s just near impossible nowadays! Eli is four years old and is a happy, energetic and loving little boy who loves animals, particularly his toy plastic ones. He loves to line his animals up all pointing in the same direction, cows, chickens, sheep and giraffes all grouped together in a very organised fashion. Eli has been diagnosed with Autism and is currently non verbal. (I say currently because it is one of my hopes that one day he will talk) This is one of the reasons I haven’t managed this huge feat of getting a photograph of him because he doesn’t sit still for too long, will not follow direction and as for looking at me if I asked, that is a definite no! This morning I had a sitting up session and I used my new light that had been delivered earlier in the week. I was so impressed with my new light I felt the urge to try and coax Eli into the studio and to try one more time to get a decent photograph. So I gathered up all his toy animals in a basket and off we went down to the studio. Hey presto, this is what we got. He’s not smiling but I don’t mind that so much, as I just love it when children just give me their serious expressions. He is doing what he loves to do. This is what I will remember most about Eli at this particular age. Playing with his animals and lining them up all over the kitchen floor, the kitchen table, the hall, the lounge, wherever he feels the need! I am actually pretty stoked to have got these and he is doing what he loves to do. Thank you Eli for letting Mummy point her camera at you for more than five seconds. I am very, very grateful.
Maxine Sarah Photography
Newborn photography, Baby photography, Family portraits. coventry Midlands newborn photographer