by maxinephotography | Jul 26, 2017 | Blog
I was so happy to see two year old Sienna again and this time she brought along her little newborn sister, Imogen Grace. They looked quite alike and I think Sienna is going to really like being a big sister.
by maxinephotography | Nov 27, 2016 | Blog
Tiny Rory came to visit me in the studio and was such a little sweetheart. Mummy and Daddy brought along a special watch that they wanted him captured with it. I think we styled this perfectly.
by maxinephotography | Nov 18, 2015 | Blog
Beautiful Caoimhe (pronounced Keeva) came to visit me with her big sister who I last saw nearly two years ago for her newborn pictures. This little one is just as beautiful as her sister was and is! Oh I do love it when the girls come, give’s me a chance to go...
by maxinephotography | Jul 8, 2015 | Blog
When this beautiful little newborn baby boy came to see me Mummy and Daddy hadn’t decided on a name. So I called him little baby peanut. He was totally munchable as you can see!