Goodness gracious me. Just returned from a beautiful break in the Gran Canaries, (only ten day’s but very much needed)! Where does the time go? I have been answering messages and e-mails most of the day today as well as arranging appointments and sessions, came to look on here and was shocked to find my last blog was in July! Shocking! So I have made a promise to myself to try and keep up with blogging my sessions. There really isn’t enough hours in the day. People think the life of a photographer is meeting the family, taking the pictures and then that’s it. If only this was the case. I have spent my time since 9am this morning answering messages, chasing up deliveries and booking in some lovely new families.
I have also been catching up on events with the fabulous foundation I am a proud co-founder and very busy butterfly admin worker! Butterfly Wishes is a not-for-profit organisation made up of UK-based professional photographers who would like to offer their services free of charge to families of children with life-shortening conditions. I have been organising some very special families for some some fabulous photo sessions with our exceptionally talented and generous photographers we have recruited. Please go over to our site and take a look at the beautiful children that are exceptionally brave and still manage to smile and make you feel ever so humble!
All this whilst flitting to the washing machine, filling it with copious amounts of holiday clothes (did I really need to take so much)? loading the tumble drier, mopping the kitchen floor, feeding the small one, ordering my new business cards, postcards and leaflets, trying to catch up with editing three lots of session’s that I did before I went away and upload my holiday pics! The good thing about a holiday is you come back with a new zest for life, more focused and raring to go. I think I was a little worn out prior to this holiday and really needed a break. Hadn’t had the time for a holiday since before my youngest was born for one reason or another this was very, very much needed! Now that my batteries have been recharged I am more focused than ever and can’t wait to get back to my most favourite thing this weekend which is a capturing, beautiful, newborn angels. I have a little boy tomorrow and a little girl Sunday.
I might be extremely busy but it’s so worth it when you love your work. Make sure you enjoy what you do, don’t waste a minute doing things that do not make you happy. We are all able to find something that we are good at and that we enjoy. Don’t waste a day going to work, working with people that you are not overly keen on and that make you unhappy. Either find another job, create your own business, try to find something that will let you enjoy every day. I know you still have to eat and pay bills but you truely can find that better job, a more enjoyable way to make a living. Take a risk, make the leap and you will be rewarded. Hard work and doing something that you enjoy doesn’t really feel like hard work. That doesn’t stop me feeling shattered mind you!
Right enough of me rambling, I got thing’s I need to do! Peace and Love everybody Enjoy your weekend. xx
Just a little sneak peek of a gorgeous girl I had the pleasure of meeting before my hols.