Many parents particularly Mums, from the moment they see the positive line on the pregnancy test are busy planning ahead for all the exciting ‘firsts’ of the things they want to do. From gender reveals, baby showers, buying all the necessities that goes along with having a new tiny human to planning their very own first newborn baby photoshoot.
Nowadays choosing your newborn photographer is as important as choosing your wedding photographer. The time is so fleeting it is important to get it right the first time as babies change by the day. It can be quite daunting knowing who you should book for your newborn photography session.
Your baby will be the most important and most precious thing that has come into your life. You will quite rightly have feelings of overwhelming protectiveness. Who you choose to be your newborn photographer will need to be experienced, preferably trained in the art of newborn photography, caring and considerate to both the parents needs as well as baby’s. It can be quite daunting.
The best time to start looking for a baby photographer is while you are still pregnant. This will give you plenty of time to do your research in order to choose the photographer that produces your style of preferred photography and of course it will give you an idea of price and what to expect. Every photographer is different and each will create a different style of photography and post production. It is so important to do your research thoroughly and make sure that they are indeed trained or at least experienced in the art of newborn photography.

I say the best time to start looking for your newborn photographer during your pregnancy is because once baby has arrived you will be surprised how much time a little newborn takes up of your day. In fact your days will not be your own! You will be busy with feeding and changing, washing and trying to catch up on sleep. You will wonder where the day has gone and you will probably not get time to look for a newborn photographer during this hectic time.
Looking for your ideal baby photographer should be as important as choosing the right pram, car seat or cot so take your time when making this important decision. After all long after your baby has outgrown all of these first baby purchases you will always have your newborn photographs to look at and treasure. This is a memory that goes by in a blur. I have three boys and my two older boys are 28 and 27. I really can’t remember very much about their little details. (shameful I know but it was a long time ago!)
Many of the good newborn photographers will get booked up months in advance. So it’s important to start looking as soon as possible.
It can be difficult to know what to look for when booking a newborn photographer particularly if it’s your first baby. So here are a few tips of what to look for to help you make your decision.

Word of mouth and referrals.
Many of my customers come from parents that have used me before. This is a huge compliment for me and I am very grateful to my clients that return time after time. It’s so good to be able to see families grow.
Social media.
Photographers rely on social media to showcase their work and market their business. Ideally most photographers will be posting on Instagram, Facebook and Tiktok. You can do a search on any of these platform ideally popping your area in the search bar such as the following I am going to use Coventry and Birmingham photography as an example. #coventrynewbornphotogapher #babyphotoshoot #babyphotographersnearme #babyphotoshootcoventry #birminghambabyphotographer #birminghamnewbornphotographer Just type in your city/town to get the right area tags.
Google and other search Engines.
Google is the most popular search engine and an ideal place to start looking for your newborn & family photographer. Professional photographers and photography studio’s will have a website as well as social media pages. Here you will not only be able to check the consistency of their work, you will be able learn a little about your photographer and also read the reviews. Very important!
Newborn Photography Safety.
It’s easy to presume that just because someone is calling themselves a newborn photographer that they are fully trained, insured and experienced. This is not always the case. Newborn photography is not regulated which means just about anyone with a camera can call themselves a newborn specialist without having the preferred safety training in posing and baby handling. Just because a person has had children does not mean they know how to safely handle a newborn baby in the art of posing (even natural type poses will involve baby handling) It is a good idea to see if the photographer has had training or research how long they have been a ‘newborn photographer’, view their gallery to see if babies look safe, settled and comfortable whether it is posed on a blanket’s, in buckets or in parents hands. I have often seen babies posed precariously in a bucket, or a prop and winced at how uncomfortable they look. Safety is everything and your new baby is your most treasured and precious addition. Choose wisely.